Christmas Party




FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2018, 6:30 P.M.


       301 WEST CHURCH ST, SPRINGHILL, LA 71075         


The Springhill Amateur Radio Club, Inc. will have its annual Christmas Party and Dinner on Friday, December 7, 2018 at the Frank Anthony Community Activity Center in Springhill. We will begin gathering at 6:00 pm and eat at 6:30 pm. The club will be giving a door prize this year of a new DMR UHF hand-held transceiver (must be a licensed ham and member of the Springhill Amateur Radio Club to enter the drawing).


The club is providing the turkey, ham, dressing, plates, utensils and beverages. You are encouraged to please bring a covered side dish or dessert of your choosing. We will have a “Robber’s Christmas” after the meal where we exchange a small wrapped gift. If you wish to participate in the “Robber’s Christmas”, please bring a wrappedgift with a price of between $5 and $10. Participation in the Robber’s Christmas is optional. If two individuals in your family want to participate, bring two wrapped gifts.


This is a family event so please bring your spouse, guest or family. If you know of someone interested in radio or getting a ham license, please invite them and bring them along as your guest. We plan to have a very short update on our new DMR repeater and its planned wide range area linking. We also plan on having a few displays set up that will be of interest to hams such as DMR, ham satellite tracking, SDR radio, etc. If you have something of interest you would like to display, contact me ahead of time. Please come out and fellowship with your old friends and perhaps meet a few new friends in the process. Feel free to call me at (318) 464-4247 (cell) or email me at [email protected] if there are any questions. Dress is business casual (slacks & shirt) as usual.


Please visit the Springhill FM repeater on 146.73 Mhz or the new DMR repeater on 443.750 Mhz. If you are not a member of the Springhill club, we invite you to join for a $5.00 annual membership fee. You do not need to be a member to attend the dinner. The Christmas dinner is for fellowship with area hams and their families. We would enjoy your company. See you there.


Sincerely, James Cheatham, AF5P, President