Emergency Plan

Louisiana Section Emergency Plan

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is a service provided by the American Radio Relay

League (ARRL), its members, affiliated organizations, and non‐affiliated individuals. They are

licensed by the Federal Communications Commission in the Amateur Radio Service pursuant to

47CFR97. ARES members represent a large portion of the more than six hundred thousand

amateur radio operators in the United States.


ARES personnel provide communications support to local government, emergency management,

public safety organizations and other served agencies during times of disaster. ARES personnel

generally provide their own equipment, although many Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs)

have Amateur Radio equipment available for use in their facility.


ARES members assisting EOCs may be requested to operate within the SHAred RESources

(SHARES) High Frequency (HF) Radio program, administered by the Department of Homeland

Security’s (DHS) National Coordinating Center for Communications (NCC). SHARES operators

use existing HF radio resources and SHARES call signs to coordinate and transmit messages

needed to perform critical functions, including those areas related to leadership, safety,

maintenance of law and order, finance, and public health. ARES may also provide Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) communications support using amateur radio call signs pursuant to 47CFR97.407.


In addition, qualified ARES personnel may also provide communications support to the Military

Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) using MARS call signs. This is a United States Department of

Defense sponsored program, established as a separately managed and operated program by the

United States Army, and the United States Air Force. The program is a civilian auxiliary consisting

primarily of licensed amateur radio operators who are interested in assisting the military with



This Emergency Communications Plan is meant to provide guidance for the coordination of

emergency communications and ARES personnel in the Louisiana Section, aligned with the

ARRL’s ARES Handbook and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National

Incident Management System (NIMS) guidelines. These NIMS guidelines are utilized by the

majority of our served agencies.


ARES can provide communication services where no established links exist, or supplement the

existing infrastructure if overloaded or disabled.

Amateur Radio Emergency Service – Emergency Communications Plan

Amateur Radio Relay League ‐ Louisiana Section

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“ARES” and “Amateur Radio Emergency Service” are registered service marks of the

American Radio Relay League, Incorporated, and are used by permission.

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Amateur radio networks may be organized to accommodate needs such as:

  1. Backup or supplemental communications where a public safety radio system,

cellular or telephone service may be lost, out of range, or overloaded.

  1. Direct link with the National Weather Service, i.e., SKYWARN
  2. Observations of local conditions (weather, traffic, etc.) relayed back to emergency


  1. Communications network from shelters to incident command.


Link to the Louisiana Section Emergency Plan is below:
